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UENO Chizuko
This is written by a sociologist and Japan's "most famous feminist", Chizuko Ueno. A discursive...

BEFU Harumi
Much of the misunderstanding by foreigners about Japan arises out of their acceptance of certain...

This book presents a counter-argument to the Japanese belief that they are a homogeneous nation...

The dynamics of inclusion and exclusion have operated for centuries in the island chain that...

Noboru Hirota has produced a major historical analysis of how the field of chemistry has...

Homelessness has been recognized as a serious problem in Japan since the 1990s, but the...

SUDO Noriko, TANIKAWA Takeshi
This book examines the interdependent relationships between the film industry and the state in East...

Throughout twenty-seven years of military occupation, US public affairs activities aimed to persuade the local...
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GOMES Albert G.
This book, a joint publication with the Center ...This book, a joint publication with the Center for Orang Asli Concerns, Malaysia, provides an illustration of the impact of capitalism and modernity on an indigenous people, the Semai of Malaysia. ... -
HAN Jaehyang
Pachinko parlors offer a form of gambling uniqu...Pachinko parlors offer a form of gambling unique to Japan located near train stations, in the suburbs and in other everyday living spaces. Before World War II, pachinko was born as a game for both ... -
SASAKI Hiroaki
This book is a collection of Hiroaki Sasaki's c...This book is a collection of Hiroaki Sasaki's contributions to further developing the Kaleckian model of analyzing economic growth cycles and distribution. The Kaleckian model is a post-Keynesian t... -
In the early modern period, relations between t...In the early modern period, relations between the Netherlands and Japan were founded on trade. The Dutch United East India Company operated in Japan for over 100 years, from 1609 to the early 18th ... -
SATO Yoshimichi, IMAI Jun
After the collapse of Japan's bubble-economy in...After the collapse of Japan's bubble-economy in the late 1980s, a wide range of neo-liberal reforms were introduced which dramatically affected the nature of the labor market. These reforms expande... -
This study investigates the impact of agrarian ...This study investigates the impact of agrarian development programs on rural class structure in Bangladesh, and it highlights how the local administration of infrastructure affected the social stra... -
URANO Mariko
The Limits of Tradition explores the discourse ...The Limits of Tradition explores the discourse of adat (customary or traditional) landownership that played an important role in peasant resistance against Indonesia's state development programs an... -
ABE Shigeyuki
In the face of the financial crisis of East Asi...In the face of the financial crisis of East Asia in 1997, Japan successfully pressed forth the Miyazawa Plan and other efficient rescue packages while the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the ... -
Escape from Work is about an important evolutio...Escape from Work is about an important evolution which has been occurring in the Japanese labor market over the past decade. As Japanese came to enjoy higher levels of affluence in the late 1980s a... -
Anybody who is a dedicated Toyota driver and ad...Anybody who is a dedicated Toyota driver and admirer of the Toyota Production System would be shocked to read of Ryoji Ihara's experience as a casual worker in a Toyota factory in Japan. As the Toy... -
Using data from surveys conducted in a departme...Using data from surveys conducted in a department store and a supermarket, Kimoto discusses the forces shaping job segregation by gender. One of the main themes is the need for Japanese women's lab... -
After the Crisis looks at Southeast Asia-especi...After the Crisis looks at Southeast Asia-especially Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines-after the Asian financial crisis. This eleventh volume of the Kyoto Area Studies on Asia takes ...
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