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Tsukasa Iga is a designated associate professor at the Asian Satellite Campus Institute, Nagoya University, specializing in political science and area studies. He holds a PhD in political science.
His publications include ‘Marēshia ni okeru media tōsei to yotō UMNO no kigen: Datsu shokuminchiki no Marē go jānarizumu to seiji kenryoku (The Origins of Media Control and the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) in Malaysia: Malay Journalism and Political Power in the Decolonization Era),’ Tonan Asia Kenkyu, 55(1), 2017; ‘Gendai Marēshia ni okeru “sekushuariti poritikkusu” no tanjō: 1980 nendai ikō no kokka to LGBT undō (The birth of ‘sexuality politics’ in contemporary Malaysia: The state and the LGBT Movement since the 1980s),’ Asian and African Area Studies, 17(1), 2017; ‘Rôle des médias et montée de l’Internet dans la démocratisation de la Malaisie de l’après Mahathir 2003–2013 (Media and politics in post-Mahathir Malaysia: The political roles of media in a transitional society 2003–2013),’ David Delfolie, Nathalie Fau, Elsa Lafaye de Micheaux eds., Malaisie contemporaine, Paris: Irasec et Les Indes Savantes, 2021.
KUSAKA Wataru, IGA Tsukasa, AOYAMA Kaoru, TAMURA Tsuji Keiko
This is the comparative study of the politics s...This is the comparative study of the politics surrounding gender and sexual minorities in Asia, which sheds light on the diverse indigenous identities and sexualities of Asia, examining cases in In...