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KAWAI Ishida Eriko is Professor at the Shishu-Kan Graduate School, Kyoto University. She specializes in asset management, English education and global human resource development. She obtained a BA from Harvard University in the United States in 1981 and an MBA from INSEAD in France in 1985. After that, she worked as a consultant at McKinsey's Paris office, as fund manager at the investment bank SG Warburg in London, and as an economist in Paris. She took up her professorial position at Kyoto University in 2012.
KAWAI Shuichi, FUJITA Masakatsu, KAWAI Eriko
The challenges we face today are growing conspi...The challenges we face today are growing conspicuously broad in scale and complex in nature. Human Survivability Studies is a new transdisciplinary field born from the growing awareness of the urge...