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UENO Chizuko
This is written by a sociologist and Japan's "most famous feminist", Chizuko Ueno. A discursive...

BEFU Harumi
Much of the misunderstanding by foreigners about Japan arises out of their acceptance of certain...

This book presents a counter-argument to the Japanese belief that they are a homogeneous nation...

The dynamics of inclusion and exclusion have operated for centuries in the island chain that...

Noboru Hirota has produced a major historical analysis of how the field of chemistry has...

Homelessness has been recognized as a serious problem in Japan since the 1990s, but the...

SUDO Noriko, TANIKAWA Takeshi
This book examines the interdependent relationships between the film industry and the state in East...

Throughout twenty-seven years of military occupation, US public affairs activities aimed to persuade the local...
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TANAKA Jiro is Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University. He specializes in ecological anthropology, focusing on hunter-gatherer societies (Bushmen, Mbuti Pygmies) and nomadic pastoralists (Rendille, Pokot and Turkana) in Africa. In particular, he has conducted observational studies on the dietary life and group structure of Central Bushmen since the 1980s. He received his PhD from Kyoto University in 1974, and started his career as Associate Professor at the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University. After working at the National Museum of Ethnology and Hirosaki University, he was appointed Professor at Kyoto University in 1986. He retired in 2004 before taking up his current position.
In the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa, tale...In the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa, tales tell of animals who talk to each other, deceive each other and easily transform themselves into human beings. The author, who has followed the lives... -
The Bushmen archives nearly 50 years of researc...The Bushmen archives nearly 50 years of research with some of Southern Africa's remotest groups. Author Jiro Tanaka's deep connection with his subject matter is evident through his insightful and o...