The book Groups: The Evolution of Human Sociality has been reviewed in Primates by Vincent Leblan. Here are a few snippets:

“This collective volume is the product of a seminar 〔…〕. At a time when biological, socio-cultural, and ecological anthropologists tend to split ever further apart, this volume represents a remarkable effort to bring together researchers from each of these fields to discuss group formation and dynamics from an evolutionary perspective.

“The contributors are to be thanked for referring to〔…〕major authors’ references in Japanese rather than in English. Hence, they provide to the non-Japanese reader a rare opportunity to catch, in various chapters, a glimpse of discussions which took place over the past decades and continue to occur in Japan in these murky epistemological frontier areas.

Primates (2014) 55: 341–343

Reviewed by Vincent Leblan, Institut de Recherche pour le De´veloppement, Paris, France.

You can see the full text here: Kaori Kawai (ed.) Groups: The evolution of human sociality | SpringerLink

The product page:  Groups – Trans Pacific Press

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